- Distance from Colombo : 120km
- Distance from Air port : 150km
- Trasfer time by Car/Van : 7 hours from Colombo
- Highlights : Elephants,Leopards.......

Knuckles Mountain Range is important due to the historical value it carries and therefore it can be categorized as one of the valuable heritages in Sri Lanka. The story of Knuckles (Dumbara Hill) goes back into prehistoric periods. It is said that in ancient times it was referred to as ‘Giri Divaina’ and as ‘Malaya Rata’ and there is archaeological evidence that speaks of ancient Yaksha settlement in the area. People believe that the name ‘Lanka’ is derived which much folklore has gathered over the centuries. The Knuckles Mountain Range is an invariable referent in any salutary appreciation of the last kingdom of the Sinhala Kanda Udarata.
The importance of the Knuckles Mountain Range is obtained from several factors. It has a parasitical quality to it because of the mountain peaks, the crystal clear and perennial waterways, cloud forests and exquisite fauna and flora. Pregnant with history running into several millennia and a veritable treasure house of cultural heritage, the Knuckles Mountain Range can be considered a as a mirror to the past.
A remarkable feature of this area is that most of the climatic conditions of Sri Lanka can be found with in the extent of a mountain range. All these hanging climatic conditions can be experienced within half and hour walk through this valley. The location of the hills, the particular effect of the monsoons and the wind factor generate a certain climatic diversity to the area. In fact in these hills one can find characteristics of all the key ecological zones found in the country.
Average annual rainfall lies between 3000-5000ml, and temperature of the region ranges between 5.5 degrees and 35 degrees Celsius. It is through a gap in the mountain that the winds of Southwest Monsoon enter to the Dry Zone. The average wind speed has been measured to be approximately 7.2km/hour and humidity in the range lies between 57%-90%.
Water Resources
Since the main risen in opposition to both the Southwest and Northwest Monsoons, the area enjoys bountiful rainfalls. For this and other reasons, the Knuckles Mountain Range is counted among the richer of the upper watersheds in the country. In fact from these hills flow the richer of the tributaries to the Mahaweli River.
There are three main rivers called the Hulu Ganga, the Heen Ganga and the Kalu Ganga, which begin from Knuckles Mountain Range. And there are a number of breathtaking waterfalls and small rivers, which can be found in this area. Even to day as was in the ancient days water from Knuckles Mountain Range feeds the ancient irrigation works such as Parakrama Samudraya.
Native Communtity

The villagers together with about more than 2500 years old indigenous community of Knuckles Mountain Range form a unique bio–cultural landscape. Meemure, Kaikawala, and Galamuduna are few villages out of 37, which can be found in this area. Indigenous community in this area has always interacted with and depended upon the Knuckles Frosts and this association goes as for back as times. The day-to-day lifestyle of this community are very simple and
their main income generating sources are farming, cultivation of Paddy, and Hena, and Cardamom. These villagers relay on cattle for transporting good between villages and sub-urban areas and this is referred as Pack Ox
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(Thawalam). The traditional villagers in this area maintain the rich cultural diversity associated with unique natural landscape of Knuckles.
The cultural heritage which has been passed down through generations have been well preserves in these remote villages and being isolated from the rest of the world is one of the main reasons for this.
Educational Value
The Knuckles Mountain Range is an ideal natural laboratory for the study of biodiversity, ecological zones, natural processes, botany and biology. Also it plays a key role in the study/research areas such as history, archeology, indigenous community and their.
Vegetation Types
Basically there are 5 vegetation types
Semi Evergreen Forests
Sub Montane Forest
Montane Forest
Patana and Savanna Grasslands
Riverine Forests
Semi Evergreen Forests
These types of forests cam be seen in the lower elevation (below 700m) in the Knuckles Mountain Range. These forests harbor many large trees for an example, phyllanthis indica, crateara religiosa, sterculia foetida, bombex can be given. The trees in these types of forests shed their leaves during the dry and windy seasons, in July-August and therefore the animal diversity in this area is very high and different kinds of birds and insects can be seen thought out the whole year.

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The other important aspects about this type of vegetation are that they function as excellent catchments of river Mahaveli. They are effective in blocking or intercepting rain with little or no soil erosion and sustain streams, which plays a key role in sustaining of downstream ecosystem.
Sub Montane Forest
A transitional biological beet between highlands and lowlands is clearly visible in this area. This vegetation type is threatened due to the Cardamom cultivation expansion of tea and human activities. This vegetation type mostly experiences the dry wind during the year, especially during the period of May-August and this forest type also plays a key role as primary catchments and watershed area.
Montane Forest
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This vegetation type can be seen above 1300m in Knuckles
Range and can be seen areas such as Thangappuwa, Kalupahana and Gombaniya During the year heavy mist can be
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seen in these types of forests.

Montane forests are the most important catchments and water shed areas of the Knuckles Range. It plays a key role in providing a water supply to sustain the ecosystems and livelihoods through the year in the downstream areas. These types of the forests contribute a lot when it comes to the natural beauty in Knuckles Mountain Range.
Patana and Savanna Grasslands
The man created fires due to the "Hena" cultivation courses in Knuckles Region turn into savanna vegetation types. Threes, which are adapted to fire, can be seen in these forests. Savanna vegetation types can be seen only on hill slopes below corbel’s gap area and this vegetation type has a very basic and simple structure. Also isolated trees which have about 10m height scattered over vast expanse of grasslands can be seen.

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This vegetation type can be seen in hills below 1000m. This vegetation type occurs due to various human activities such as agricultural expansion due to tea and chena cultivation, fire and removal of timber species.
‘Pitawala Patane’ is a unique creation of the environment and can be seen by the side of Rattota, Illukkumbura in Central Province of Sri Lanka. Pitawala Patana is the grazing land of large number of buffaloes and cattle owned by villagers in the vicinity.
Riverine Forests
These types of forests can be seen along the banks of streams such as Kaluganga and Heenganga in Knuckles Mountain Range. The advantage of these forests are they act like frontline defense against stream bank erosion due to water current and provide convenient resting sites for animals in Knuckles Mountain Range.
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Knuckles holds a wide variety of Fauna. Most importantly it is a home to many endangered and endemic species. 247 vertebrate species have been recorded in this area which 26% are endemic to Sri Lanka, including 14 birds and 9 fish species. More than a 100 of other resident and migrant bird species can been observed at deferent times of the year.

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Five of these endemic species, three fresh water fish phillipis gara-garra phillipsi, martenstyne’s puntius srilankensis) one amphibian (marbled cliff frog-nannophrys mamorata) and one lizard (ceretophora tennenti) are restricted to knuckles forest range. Further, Knuckles Mountain Range is home to most of the mammals found in Sri Lanka. In addition to elephants, leopards and sambhurs there are also wild boar, spotted deer, barking deer, mouse deer, and giant squirrel etc. etc.
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In Knuckles Mountain Range a total of 1033 flowering plants, belonging to 141
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Corbet's Gap in Knuckles Mountains - Knuckles Mountain Holidays - Camping in Knuckles Mountains - Knuckles Camping Holidays - Trekking Tours in Knuckles Mountain Range Sri Lanka - Trekking Tours in Knuckles
In Knuckles Mountain Range a total of 1033 flowering plants, belonging to 141
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Corbet's Gap in Knuckles Mountains - Knuckles Mountain Holidays - Camping in Knuckles Mountains - Knuckles Camping Holidays - Trekking Tours in Knuckles Mountain Range Sri Lanka - Trekking Tours in Knuckles
Of the total number of flowering plants species documents in Knuckles, 160 are endemic to Sri Lanka while, about 32% are nationally threatened. Though the Knuckles Forest Range covers less than 0.5% of the land area in Sri Lanka, it consists almost one-third of the island’s flowering plant species. There are more than 25 Orchids species in the forest range.